CHLOE held their 2014 Spring Summer runway show at the Lycee Carnot, a prestigious Parisian high school located in the 17th arrondissement. Upon arrival, the building seemed an unlikely venue, but the gathering crowd was a give away. I was told that this would be the first time this site would have been used to present the upcoming season.
As you walked under the archway, you entered into a courtyard then up a short set of steps into the show space. The catwalk was a spongy beige carpet and there were large reflective gold satellite dishes in the air. They hung precariously over the crowd of Fashion's usual suspects and began to sway when the music started. The soundtrack included a remix of Lana Del Ray's Blue Jeans, one of my favorite songs. I inquired about the gold dishes, but no one seemed to know their significance. I didn't get a chance to speak to Clare Waight Keller after the show, but I'm sure the reason for their existence is something deep and profound.
The color scheme was mainly breezy blues, army greens, and crisp white with flowy and feminine silhouettes. THE COLLECTION itself was very much a continuation of Keller's last two seasons. So if you happen to own pieces from recent collections, and I do, these new items will complement them nicely. What I am missing is the frock from look 4, a green and black pleated dress. I'm already planning places to wear it to...
Anna Dello Russo with her Sara Battaglia Lady "Anna" Clutch
Anna Dello Russo wearing Balmain
Ulyana Sergeenko